Sunday, July 10, 2011

Activity 4

A.4.3 When investigating a science-related problem, decide what data can be collected to determine the most useful explanations
We did this by setting up and conducting our own science experiments in activity one.  We were able to prove or disprove our own hypothesis by creating experiments.  Our data was collected each step of the experimental process, and recorded in a table.  We used the scientific method in order to help us achieve a logical conclusion.  The data provided by the controlled and uncontrolled variables was also very useful in coming to a proper conclusion.

B.4.1 Use encyclopedias, source books, texts, computers, teachers, parents, other adults, journals, popular press, and various other sources, to help answer science-related questions and plan investigations
I have done this for my entire school career.  I am always asking questions and doing in depth research on a subject.  I used encyclopedias in elementary, middle and high school and it helps me to provide better data on a current topic.  Using the internet is one of the most popular ways to find information in today’s world.  This is how I came across data to plan my experiment in activity one, and it helped me answer several questions.
C.4.2 Use the science content being learned to ask questions, plan investigations, make observations, make predictions, and offer explanations
Through previous experiments done in high school and middle school, I have used predictions and recorded my observations on those predictions many times.  For example, I have made a hypothesis to several experiments and then recorded my observation to come up with a new observation or a final explanation.  With an experiment comes questions, and as the experiment goes on new questions arise. 
D.4.3. Understand that substances can exist in different states-solid, liquid, gas
I have seen substances in several states.  We had to list the states of water in activity one.  In activity one we had to turn water from a liquid to a solid, and when it boiled the steam that was let out can be considered a gas.
E.4.4 Identify celestial objects (stars, sun, moon, planets) in the sky, noting changes in patterns of those objects over time
During my career as a student I have had to study the planets and stars.  In middle school we had to know many constellations.  It is great to look outside on a summer night and see stars galore.  Some of the constellations I am still able to recognize, and a planet may be visible from time to time.  The sun and the moon are in the sky all the time.  Obviously the sun is around more during the summer time than the winter.  This is where daylight savings comes into play.
F.4.1 Discover* how each organism meets its basic needs for water, nutrients, protection, and energy* in order to survive
All living things need water.  Water and foods are the key ingredients to staying alive.   From animals to plants, we all need water and nutrition.  Animals are able to obtain protein from various sources.  Some eat other animals some eat plants and other such foods.  Animals protect themselves in several ways. These may include camouflage, teaming up and running in packs, and also protection through size and venom.  There are many techniques and such that may be used by certain living organisms.
 G.4.1 Identify* the technology used by someone employed in a job or position in Wisconsin and explain* how the technology helps
Technology helps people on a daily basis.  There is always new technology being used and invented.  Computers are used on a everyday all around the United States and in most parts of the world.  An example of technology being used in a Wisconsin job is the technology used for packaging at Con Agra Foods in Menomonie. The pudding and other products that are produced from Con Agra are packaged through machines and this technology drastically improves the time that it takes to manufacture a product.
H.4.1 Describe* how science and technology have helped, and in some cases hindered, progress in providing better food, more rapid information, quicker and safer transportation, and more effective health care
As far as technology and food, I believe that technology has hindered food.  It has made food less healthy and more about money.  Most of the food that people consume today has many additives and fake protein.  The amount of information that a person can receive in a short amount of time is remarkable.  With advances in computers and cell phones, we are accustomed to having information at the tip of our fingers.  Our transportation systems have increased over the years.  Our cars are much safer, as car companies have to meet safety standards and other requirements.  The cars that manufactured today are also very quick if requested upon.  Our health care is pretty good.  There are definitely problems within the system, but on the overall it is good.

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